Sunday, May 13, 2012


That's right folks, it's been a year since I posted. I could write 37 posts trying to express how much has changed in that year, but I think instead I'm going to make things more interesting and try to sum it up in 37 words, kind of like those little blurbs we used to submit as our "senior farewell" for the yearbook in high school. So here it goes:

Bear Lake longneck MCHS swimming CVMarlins DARTH Homework-Robot Big Blue 117 hours NO sleep monster Believe statesman huntsman megamind @allieburn @karliefitz snowflake house SB2012 dasneyland matchell/josh motherfather STAKE photshoots netflix thesis BFA 2002-2010 brunette GRADUATED SLC.

Done. boo. yah.

I think i'm going to be posting more regularly now, since I have actually caught myself thinking in "blogger"recently. Or maybe that's just how I think. So is the pensive life of a college grad...pff.

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