Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kids these days...

So i've been pretty busy lately hanging out with a bunch of six, eight, and twelve year-olds at the pool in vain attempt to get them to swim at all, let alone do it correctly! Coaching a swimteam has always been a dream of mine, but it has been a lot more difficult than I ever thought it would be. Being a swim coach is different than coaching other types of sports because it is (I think) more of a mental sport than any other sport out there. It's physically challenging sure, but for me, I doubt I would be the driven, self-motivated, hard-working person I am without the mental strength I developed throughout all those years of circle-swimming. It has been interesting to see the opposite ends of the spectrum in the way kids handle workout at practice: First, there's the few trying so hard to follow coaches' direction that they are literally CRYING throughout the entire workout. Second category includes a few floater kids who skate along without trying too hard, but not slacking either. Third category, and largest might I add, are the kids who whine constantly, taking anything you tell them to work on that will help them improve, and returning with a pathetic "it's too hard" and immediately reverting back to their old ways.
what is with these kids??? Have there always been kids as lazy and resistant to authority, or is this a recent infection of bad behavior to younger generations? How are kids going to ever learn how to work if they dub everything they attempt as "too hard", refusing to change, grow, or- heaven forbid- TRY?!

Book club update:
I failed on our meeting this week because I worked all weekend long. Are people up for meeting Saturday at...One? Let me know...I'll send out a message :) I finished the book on Friday night and I LOVED IT. Excellent recommendation Kristin! Thanks dahling! Next Book: The Hunger Games. Get it, Read it, Love it.
Love you all!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Things that made me smile today

1. Going to the carwash. There's just something awesome about sitting in your car while this machine engulfs your car, spraying soap and water all over while giant rubber flaps massage the dirt away. Also, a story that will make you laugh: apparently once when my dad was at the carwash he realized something wasn't working properly so he rolled down his window to try and fix it. While in the process, he also drenched the inside of his car with soap and water. CLASSIC.
2. Went on a run to Liberty Park. Covered about three miles, and my legs kill today. However, it was cool to see all the people outside enjoying the first( was only 80 degrees) day of summer...lots of dogs, roller-bladers, and hippies laying in fields of fluffy white dandiloins. I made a wish, of course. My favorite though was a mom sitting on a bench doing puzzles out of an old crossword book while her baby soaked up some vitamin D.
3. Berry Smoothies at Costco. I don't even have to say anything more.
4. Being at a pool. And making money. Either is great, both together can't be beat.
5. Meeting new friends and clicking immediately, or seeing old friends and realizing you still hve a lot in common.
6. Having great conversation, hearing sweet music, and consuming delicious food.
7. ALSO already having plans for the weekend and it's only tuesday.

Anyways, those are just a few things that brought a smile to my face today...well yesterday. Have a good one!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

stick it together with the tape- the tape of loooove....sticky stuff

First off, three newfound loves:

1. Flight of the Conchords. Thank you Jordan :)
2. Benton Paul. Musician. In my Ward. Amazing. Check out his song "Moon" on itunes. Love. It.
3. Roasted Starbursts. Go up the canyon, put a starburst on a stick, put it in the fire and eat it. Your tongue will thank you.

Today I would like to discuss my summer book club. I've recieved a lot of positive feedback and interest regarding this lil club and I think we're gonna go for it! I think we should do a new book every two weeks and this is my tentative sets of two weeks during the summer, so seven books total. At the end of each of the two weeks we can get together and go to lunch, meet at someone's house for treats, or something to that effect. Anyone is invited so if you know somebody that likes reading, friends, and food fill them in!

Anyways, after much adieu, the list:

Nineteen Minutes-Jodi Picoult
Hunger Games-Suzanne Collins
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland-Lewis Carroll
The Miracle of Mindfulness-Thich Nhat Hahn
Little Bee-Chris Cleave
Sense and Sensibility-Jane Austen
The Book Theif-Markus Zusak

Follow along! These first two weeks we start with Nineteen minutes, so head to Barnes and Noble, the library or a friend and pick up a copy today!

Something else that has been on my mind lately:

Dating. What the heck is the deal with this little social ritual lately? Not being in a relationship is a problem. Being in a relationship is a problem- and apparently dating multiple people at the same time is a MAJOR problem. All I know is that they type of "dating" I have yet to experience is majorly messed up. With the technology of texting, facebook (stalking...creepy, but ubiquitous) etc. interferring with any hope of a legitimate relationship, how is anyone supposed to figure out what dating actually consists of these days?? What happened to the good old days where if a boy was interested he picked up the telephone and called you to ask you out-on a date, just you two, where he picks you up, pays, and drops you off at a reasonable hour with the chance of a magical goodnight kiss? In these modern days there is need for discernment between "just friends", "dating", "going out", "seeing each other", "boyfriend/girlfriend", and the ever-creepy "friends with benefits". All of this aside from the random NCMO. SIGH.
Feedback PLEASE.

Love for now,


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

lazy days of summer

Dear Everyone:

I am on a quest to compile my summer reading list....since that is a large majority of what I do during the summer, being a lifeguard and all.
Here is my list so far..if you would kindly add your favorite(s) or anything interesting you've read lately to the list I would very much appreciate it!


Everyone Worth Knowing (I saw this at Costco and it looked interesting haha)
Hunger Games and its sequel
Through the Looking Glass
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Agent Bishop
The Kite Runner
Little Bee (thank you Dora)
The Mapping of Love and Death
The Last Song
Dear John
Take Three
The Chronicals of Narnia
The Book Theif
Pride and Prejudice
Angels and Demons

Also I have toyed with the idea of starting a book club....aka basically a chance to read good books and go to lunch with some friends to discuss literature, life, love, and laughs. any thoughts?